Aosta - Aoste city

Aosta - Aoste


Aosta (French: Aoste) is the capital of Italian autonomous region of Aosta Valley. The town is in a small valley with houses going up the slopes of the surrounding mountains. The Roman colony of Augusta Praetoria Salassorum was founded by the general Marcus Terentius Varro, who conquered it from the Salassi tribe in 25 BC. The colony housed 3,000 retired veterans. After 11 BC Augusta Praetoria became the capital of the Alpes Graies ("Grey Alps") province of the Roman Empire. Its position, at the confluence of two rivers, at the end of the Great and the Little St Bernard passes, gave it considerable military importance, and its layout was that of a Roman military camp. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the city was ruled successively by the Burgundians, the Ostrogoths, the Byzantines and the Lombards (who had annexed it to their Italian kingdom but were later expelled by the Frankish Empire under Pepin the Short). Pepin's son, Charlemagne made Aosta an important post on the Via Francigena, leading from Aachen to Italy. Later it belonged to the kingdom of Savoy.

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Aosta - Aoste is it’s a stopover point on The Via Francigena. You can reach Civitas Vaticana - Città del Vaticano in 43 days.

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