Camaiore town



Camaiore is a city and comune of 32,513 inhabitants within the province of Lucca, Tuscany, central-western Italy. It stretches from the Apuan Alps to the east, to the plains and the coast of Versilia to the west. Camaiore has Roman origins, as it was the site of one of the largest Roman encampments near the city of Lucca and an important station along the Via Cassia. From this we find the origins of the name "Campus Maior" (Campo Maggiore). In the Middle Ages, the town grew considerably thanks to the old Via Francigena, which follows northwest from Lucca, towards the Lunigiana and Passo della Cisa, and on to 'Campo Maggiore'. The city represented the twenty-seventh stage during the journey of Sigeric, and was called Campmaior by the Archbishop of Canterbury. In 1226, the Luccans destroyed the remote hill fortress of Montecastrese, situated above Camaiore on the slopes of Mount Prana, and the survivors of this battle migrated down to the valley in Camaiore as it offered more protection against future city-state attacks. While Camaiore has Roman origins, and it was heavily contested between the competitive city-states of Lucca and Pisa, it remained largely uninhabited until the 1800s due to its particularly marshy grounds. Eventually, many of the marshes in the area were drained, allowing for growth and development to take place in Camaiore. First, the main streets were constructed, and then several hotels were built for tourists that still come to the area today. Camaiore is the largest municipality in Versilia and its territory has many different environments. It extends from the beach in Lido di Camaiore, to the peaks of the Apuan Alps including the peaks of Monte Prana, Mount Matanna and Mount Gabberi and passes through both high and low hills. The plains of Capezzano are also important, as they are known for the cultivation of flowers and the general growth of foliage. In addition to the lido's promenade, there are also rolling hills with small crops of vitis and olives. Camaiore is rich in water, especially ground water, which is continuously extracted for private use including gardens and greenhouses as well as being used by some adjacent municipalities for the replenishment of local reservoirs. In the summer of 2007 strong earthquakes were felt that, according to some experts, were due to the excessive pumping of groundwater. Earlier, in the mid-nineties, chasms formed which caused extensive damage including the collapse of some houses. Small rivers can be found throughout the area, which are fed by drainage water from the mountains. One of the more important rivers is the Lombricese that runs at the foot of Mount Gabberi, touching the nearby towns of Lombrici and joining another river, the Lucese, which comes down from the pass of the same name, arriving in the valley through Nocchi Marignana (Camaiore) areas and the lower part of Pieve di Camaiore up to Camaiore. From here onwards, it joins with the Lombricese to form the Camaiore river down to its mouth which is called Fosso dell'Abate. Throughout the territory there are ponds and small lakes which are fed from various sources. The coast of Lido di Camaiore is bathed by the Ligurian sea, which extends from Liguria to the promontory of Piombino and not the Tyrrhenian Sea as many mistakenly believe.

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Camaiore is it’s a stopover point on The Via Francigena. You can reach Civitas Vaticana - Città del Vaticano in 19 days.

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