Livorno is a main port town in Tuscany. It was traditionally called Leghorn in English, nowadays the name is used to refer to a breed of chickens which were exported to North America from the Livorno port. Livorno is on the Tyrrhenian sea in Italy. It is the third-largest port on the western coast. Upper Class travellers heading to Rome in the days of the Grand Tour would often go by sea to "Leghorn" from Marseilles or Genoa. This explains in large part the presence of a substantial English cemetery in the town.
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Livorno is the ending point of The way of San Jacopo in Tuscany.
where to sleep
Giappone Inn Parking Hotel
, hotels
Via Grande 65
Hotel Europa Parking
, hotels
Via Dell'Angiolo 23
Casa Le Coccole
, apartments
16 Via Carraia
Accoglienza Parrocchiale Santa Caterina
, hostels
Piazza dei Domenicani, 2
Hotel Touring
, hotels
Via Goldoni 61
Casa Mille Baci con Parcheggio
, apartments
Piazza dei Mille, 3
Hotel Navy
, hotels
Viale Italia 231
Affittacamere THE SHUTTLE
, bed and breakfasts
Via Alessandro Pieroni, 27 Interno 18, Piano 4
Una camera in città
, homestays
Via San Francesco, 47
Affittacamere My Home
, bed and breakfasts
6 Via della Madonna
show complete list
Giappone Inn Parking Hotel
, hotels€ € / ★ ★ -
Hotel Europa Parking
, hotels€ € € € / ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Casa Le Coccole
, apartments€ / ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Accoglienza Parrocchiale Santa Caterina
, hostels€ -
Hotel Touring
, hotels€ € € € / ★ ★ ★ -
Casa Mille Baci con Parcheggio
, apartments€ / ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Hotel Navy
, hotels€ € € € / ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Affittacamere THE SHUTTLE
, bed and breakfasts€ € € / ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Una camera in città
, homestays€ € € / ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ -
Affittacamere My Home
, bed and breakfasts€ € / ★ ★ ★ ★